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Dialogue promotes peace and prosperity through

knowledge and understanding.

Today our world with all of its promise also confronts unprecedented challenges. If not properly addressed, many of these challenges devolve into conflict. Dialogue with foreign leaders, understanding the international business goals of the US and other countries, and recognizing the role that each country plays in both international affairs and international business is at the heart of what ACIR offers those who are interested in international relations, international business, world affairs, and U.S. foreign and security challenges. Involvement with and support of ACIR provides each of us an opportunity to make a contribution to the advancement of peace and prosperity through knowledge and understanding.


Help Support the ACIR's Educational Programs

The Atlanta Council on International Relations (ACIR) depends on its supporters' contributions to continue its educational mission to strengthen and expand membership knowledge on international affairs issues. Making a tax-deductible donation to the ACIR's Annual Fund, at whatever level is right for you, will help enable ACIR to continue to educate, train, and prepare the membership leaders of tomorrow.

ACIR is recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are federally tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donations to the Annual Fund provide vital unrestricted revenue that helps support ACIR's full range of educational programming. You can send a gift through a safe and secure online credit card donation.

Donate Now

Or send a check payable to the "Atlanta Council on International Relations" to:

Atlanta Council on International Relations

931 Monroe Drive, Suite A102-421, Atlanta, GA 30308

Legacy giving

Accomplishing ACIR's mission requires substantial resources. An investment at any point in one’s life will make a difference for generations to come. Contributing to the ACIR is a powerful and meaningful way for one to strengthen the philanthropic legacy of the ACIR on behalf of our community. 

Legacy Gifts


ACIR offers various sponsorship opportunities, from annual sponsorships to event sponsorships.  Various levels of sponsorship are offered for each.  To contact us about sponsorship opportunities, email us at


One of the best ways to support the work of ACIR is through volunteering. ACIR seeks volunteers in such areas as program development, administration, outreach programs, as well as in technology, website support, and funding. If you would like to support ACIR as a volunteer, please contact Bob Kennedy at

Become an Intern

The Atlanta Council on International Relations has nearly a 70-year history of promoting the understanding of international affairs through the free exchange of ideas. ACIR's purpose is to develop a nucleus of informed opinion leaders on current foreign policy issues and ensure Atlanta is visible and engaged in the global arena.

Interns are a critical part of ACIR and contribute to its mission while gaining the opportunity to develop professional skills related to international affairs and policy issues. In addition, the candidate will have the opportunity to network with national and international leaders. Course credit for interning with the ACIR is possible.

Here is a snapshot of intern responsibilities.

To Apply

Send a resume, a copy of your academic transcript, a recommendation letter, and a cover letter that highlights your background and interest to Ms. Julie Caines, Director of Human Resources, at