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Director of Information Technology

The Atlanta Council on International Relations (ACIR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization. It is the oldest international affairs organization in Atlanta. ACIR’s purpose is to help develop a nucleus of informed opinion leaders on current foreign policy issues.

The principal duties of the Director of IT are to assist the Board of Directors and members of the ACIR support team in addressing issues that arise with such platforms as Google Docs, Personify/Wild Apricot, and AffiniPay. This is a voluntary, non-paying position. However, it comes with a seat on the Board of Directors.

In exchange for giving ACIR a few hours of your time each month remotely on an as-needed basis, you can enhance your resume as a Member of the Board, while interacting at ACIR events with Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers, Military Leaders, prominent academics, national security experts, eyewitnesses to world events, as well as speakers on business and commercial issues that are playing a major role in foreign affairs.

If you are interested in the position, please contact ACIR Vice President Colin Brady at for more details.