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Syria: The Forgotten War that can not be ignored!

  • 04/18/2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Capital City Club | 7 John Portman Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA
  • 28


Syrian civil war - Wikipedia

Syria: The Forgotten War

that cannot be ignored!

Due to the overwhelming international attention on the current war in Gaza and Ukraine, the significantly escalated violence in Syria has gone largely unnoticed. Yet, these dynamics require attention from the international community, both for the deteriorating humanitarian situation on the ground and the growing risk that minor miscalculations could escalate into a full-blown regional war.

Within Syria, families demonstrate incredible resilience and resourcefulness, creating homes, running schools and businesses, and trying to give children some sense of normalcy in isolated and deteriorating economic conditions and persistent insecurity. Beyond Syria’s borders, an emerging generation of young refugees are trapped seeking solutions and a dignified future in increasingly challenging environments and fatigued host communities.

Come learn from experts at the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program on how they’re tracking and mapping dynamics on the ground, leveraging data for peacebuilding, and working to build transformative and sustainable peace in Syria.


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.

Venue: Capital City Club (downtown)

                  7 John Portman Blvd NW

                  Atlanta, GA 30303

Parking: Complimentary valet parking is available

Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel, please do so not later than 48 hours before the event. ACIR is charged for your meal, so no refund can be provided.

The Panelists

Rana Shabb, Ph.D.

Rana Shabb is the associate director for the Middle East in the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program. She earned a B.A. in quantitative economics and international relations from Tufts University, a Master of Science in foreign service from Georgetown University, and a Ph.D. in international affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Sam Nunn School of International Affairs. Shabb previously worked on U.S. policy toward the Middle East in Washington, D.C. Internationally, she has worked with The Carter Center designing, fundraising, managing, and implementing peace-promoting projects in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. Her research interests center on international development, specifically focusing on the connection between the private sector and conflict longevity and peace.

Nancy Azar

Nancy Azar is the senior program associate in The Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program. Nancy offers 12 years of extensive and diverse experience in peacebuilding across the MENA region and Europe, underpinned by a deep understanding of inclusive approaches to mediation and conflict resolution best practices. Her most recent role at The Carter Center involves extensive engagement with regional and international stakeholders to re-energize diplomatic cooperation on Syria and address structural barriers to recovery. Prior to her focus on Syria, Nancy worked with loctoal faith-based leaders across North Africa, and Europe on a locally- tailored grassroots initiative to prevent violent extremism. Azar holds a bachelor’s degree in political sciences and public administration from Université Saint Joseph in Beirut and has completed her graduate coursework in Social Behavioral Studies at the American University of Beirut. Her professional and academic interests include the role of youth, women, and religion in peacebuilding. She was born and raised in Lebanon and speaks Arabic, French, and English.

Annie Charif

Annie Charif is the senior program associate for the data and analysis project in the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program. Charif joined the Carter Center in 2016 as a program assistant to the Inclusive Approaches to preventing violent extremism project, where she focused on a community-based approach to preventing violent extremism through the mobilization of local community and religious leaders. Charif holds a Master of Arts in political science with a concentration in international and comparative politics. She was born in Lebanon, speaks Arabic, and is conversant in French.

Hari Prasad

Hari Prasad joined the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program in April 2020 as a program associate focused on research with the mapping unit of the Syria team. He previously worked with the Hudson Institute and the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C. His academic interests include armed non-state actors, political violence, and religious politics in the Middle East and South Asia. He earned his master’s degree from George Washington University, where he focused on Middle East and South Asian politics and security.